Horses lend us the wings we lack.

In riding a horse we borrow freedom.

The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Can't get enough air!

Since mother nature has decided to skip spring and go right to summer, these abnormally warm March temperatures have got everyone dying to ride.  Me, I just can't get enough air. I want to jump!  I left behind my fear of jumping this winter and gained me some wings!  Somehow the button magically clicked "on" and Eddy and I have made quite a pair through a jumping course.  Suddenly we can attack the jumps with style and grace; no longer in a battle of strength, but working as a team with trust.  Now we just have to get working on that cross country course I have been talking about...  The count down is on until April 29th, our first show this season!!!  Dressage and stadium.  Maybe I should get back to working on flatwork!??